Saturday 18 April 2015

The Orkney Isles

The location of our first journey is chosen. The Orkney Islands. We start bold but this is what a real men trip is about.
Below is the very spot we are heading to. Papa Westray - one of the most northern Orkney Islands. Home to some 90 people, puffins, seals, archaeological sites and adventure.

That is how Papa Westray looks like from the plane we'll be flying at.

And that is how it looks from the satellite

Out great journey will start on Monday 25th of May 20015 and will take 6 days. To travel total of 1400 miles, we'll be taking the trains, buses, boats, cars and aircrafts.

All of this to see the stunning views, amazing animals and some of the best archaeological sites in the world. Julian is so excited to see the puffins and maybe the basking sharks and killer whales. I'm looking forward most to see the Ness of Brodgar.

Bellow are the puffins

and the Ness of Brodgar 5000 years ago

More information is to come before the trip and there will be a special relation during the trip too.

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